Digital connectivity is essential for Londoners to access the services they need in an increasingly digital world. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have access to affordable gigabit-capable connections can experience productivity increases of 7-10%. Additionally, properties without access to higher broadband speeds can see a reduction in value by 20%. The number of connected devices is growing rapidly, and it is estimated to increase 12-fold by 2026.
The Connected London team works with local authorities and digital infrastructure providers to coordinate investments in underserved areas. They collaborate with Transport for London (TfL) to establish a full fibre network using TfL assets, such as underground tunnels and street furniture. They also facilitate regional working groups to address coordination challenges and share knowledge. The team engages with providers to understand their priorities and issues, aiming to improve connectivity across the city. They have also developed and implemented strong digital connectivity planning policies through the London Plan.
Please click here for link to the GLA login for Project Gigabit maps GLA login
AssetHUB is a free portal for use by London Boroughs to display and share their existing assets and infrastructure with others, to simplify and automate the processes for managing incoming enquiries and re-using assets, or to view existing infrastructure, data and assets from others.
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